Tuesday 12 April 2011

Joy Of An Intern

She (my boss) looked at me and she said "I really enjoy you working here,I'm not sure i want to let you go".....whoot whoot!!, i could scream at that moment,take off ma bra and wave it in the air, jump on her table, give her a strip tease, french kiss her like she has never been just to show how happy i was...loool...i was so happy but all i did was smile and said "Thank you ma". I finally got my first comment, after months of misunderstanding, complaints and a fight....

Sunday 10 April 2011


"The perfect guy is just an illusion", i remember when this was my slogan, and i believed every word of it until you came along....

Rants Of A Short Girl

I look all around me and I realise I'm the only one very close to the ground. It's not like it makes any difference when i fall cos there isn't so much distance between the floor and me anyways. Then, i start wondering and thinking if God knew what my plans were/would be if i was taller, why one of my parents is short, why i had to be the one out of all the children to inherit such gene. At times, i feel so insecure cos i think everyone is looking down at me. I raise my head most times just to talk to people except when i'm sitting down sha..i'm scared to walk with tall people cos of the fear that i might, i mean i will be the shortest person amongst them and also very shy to walk wth short people cos i think it is so obvious we are all short.

I keep asking myself, did God really create me short cos he had a reason or cos he wanted to limit my plans as a tall person? And then people refer to me as cute, i look at them, *rme* and say who wants to be cute, i wanna be beautiful cos thats the term used for tall girls. I see tall gals and i laugh cos i wld be guessing if i would be between their hip bone and their belly button....loool....

There is no name i havent been called, smallie, cutie, portable, petite, miniature, short gal, and my favourite of all, "Mini me"...loool...that's just the funniest, the list still goes on o but these are the most common....At times i look at myself and i vex, i dey vex say i no tall, i beg God to just make me tall 4 a day...just 4 a day!!!....i look myself, vex for my mother, why she no commit adultery at that point of her life, yet she is the major person that torments me about my height....and then after all the stress of trying to look big, wear some pain-giving six inches shoe, make up, learn how to walk on heels all in the name of trying to be tall, i still get comments like "awww, you are so cute, just like a baby"........aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh.......

 PS This story is highly fictional...lool...