Saturday 9 July 2011

Things I can't change...

"I want to wear ur black top" ..."pls wear another,I want to wear it,more so it will expand"....Wrong answer,and dere goes d story of ma life m reminded off everytime I say no to anything she wants,"selfish,stingy foolish gal" neva fail to make d list..I shlda just pretended like I was sleeping,like everytime she goes m jst selfish,like seriously selfish,I wanna laff bt definitely dt won't b appropriate in d matter,so I jst plug in ma earpiece,listen to ma asa album and just let d whole insults av been hearing 4 d past 6months and somehow av gotten used to jst slide,but I neva fail to think of d exact reason she's saying m selfish,d only reason is cause she's a lot more selfish,like cos I dnt give u wat u want,who's rily selfish in dis context,all u r thinking abt is wat u want,nt ma reasons,jst wat u want and den I get to b called d selfish one,rily *raisedeyebrows*,she neva listens to ma reasons,she neva listens to wat I av to say,as long as she's nt getting wat she wants I am d selfish one....asides d fact dt I hate d word selfish,d fact I hate som1 using it on me,I hate wen pple jst dnt choose deir words correctly,like fucking think of d situation at ground b4 using a particular word,think of d real meaning of d word b4 us use it,well as I always say "u av to b something b4 u can recognize some1 who's d same"...everytime she goes "bla bla u r selfish"..d whole situation jst becomes funny and I go quiet,talk to ma blocked ears,seems u jst myt feel go ahead vent,at least we both benefit 4rm d tym....."There's a place I'ld love to be" asa screams in ma ears n m thinking definitely not ere!!!
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

Friday 20 May 2011

The Irony Of Me

I don't like attention but I hate when I'm not getting it
I don't want to be with anyone asides you but i cant do without flirting
I don't want to act without thinking but I am always spontaneous
I don't want to not spend my life with you but he seems to be sharing ma heart with you
I hate going through unnecessary pain but i can't do without my six foot heels
I don't give a rat's ass about anybody's opinion of me but i want to know wat they say behind my back
I hate relationships but i don't want to be single
I hate galfriends but i cant do without them
I hate being short but i really love my stature
I don't want to have fences around my heart but i hate being soft
I don't want to be referred to as selfish but i put myself first (most tyms)
I hate being a loner but i would rather be by myself


I look like a "bad" gal but I'm really just a saint......

Monday 16 May 2011

Diary Of An Intern II

Okk maybe I'm not tired of the free lunch(es) i get wivout even asking,or the attention i dnt even seek for, or d smirk i see on the GMO's face every time I'm on heels, or the looks of amazement on all deir faces as dey keep wondering "where is dis babe from?", or that ma boss tries to hide the fact that she likes me....I'm definitely not tired of the free lunch(es),like definitely not tired, just maybe that's d only thing that keeps me going sef..yh i know,i like food...loool...

*lunches ---- dere's a word like dt ryt???...

Diary Of An Intern

Here I am filling my logbook by dubbing from anoda person's logbook...I'm so tired of getting up at 4:30am, tired of rushing out of the house by 5:40am (when m early enof) to join d staff bus that leaves at 6am, I'm tired of not having time for myself, I'm tired of looking for something coperate to wear every morning (I'm not d coperate type,I'm more of a jeans/skimpy skirts person), I'm tired of having to plaster a smile on my face at work so they don't think i'm rude, I'm tired of having to pretend I'm scared of ma boss cos in truth i dont give a fuck, I'm tired of not being able to stare at my BB all day, I'm tired of not being able to sing along with ma phone when i've got earpiece on, I'm tired of working with old people, they are so demanding, I'm tired of having to laugh at dry jokes cos I have no choice, I'm tired of pretending i enjoy the silly errands I do 4 them, I'm tired of learning nothing, I'm tired of flirting with the old men that feel they r still young, or the married one who jst wants to tap ma ass, y'all are boring mahn, accept d fact that ur tym as gone, I'm tired of being so nice, I'm tired of having to wear make up everyday, I'm tired of getting home late, I'm tired of loosing weight all in the name of work, I'm tired of having to come up with various excuses just to miss a day of work, I'm tired of wearing strings everyday so pant-line don't show, i love ma knickers mahn, I'm tired of complaining.......

In all sincerity, this thing called IT should be WTH, I would rather be in sch, read all d books, prepare for exam and stab classes as much as i want than be ere.......I'm so tired!!!!!!

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Joy Of An Intern

She (my boss) looked at me and she said "I really enjoy you working here,I'm not sure i want to let you go".....whoot whoot!!, i could scream at that moment,take off ma bra and wave it in the air, jump on her table, give her a strip tease, french kiss her like she has never been just to show how happy i was...loool...i was so happy but all i did was smile and said "Thank you ma". I finally got my first comment, after months of misunderstanding, complaints and a fight....

Sunday 10 April 2011


"The perfect guy is just an illusion", i remember when this was my slogan, and i believed every word of it until you came along....

Rants Of A Short Girl

I look all around me and I realise I'm the only one very close to the ground. It's not like it makes any difference when i fall cos there isn't so much distance between the floor and me anyways. Then, i start wondering and thinking if God knew what my plans were/would be if i was taller, why one of my parents is short, why i had to be the one out of all the children to inherit such gene. At times, i feel so insecure cos i think everyone is looking down at me. I raise my head most times just to talk to people except when i'm sitting down sha..i'm scared to walk with tall people cos of the fear that i might, i mean i will be the shortest person amongst them and also very shy to walk wth short people cos i think it is so obvious we are all short.

I keep asking myself, did God really create me short cos he had a reason or cos he wanted to limit my plans as a tall person? And then people refer to me as cute, i look at them, *rme* and say who wants to be cute, i wanna be beautiful cos thats the term used for tall girls. I see tall gals and i laugh cos i wld be guessing if i would be between their hip bone and their belly button....loool....

There is no name i havent been called, smallie, cutie, portable, petite, miniature, short gal, and my favourite of all, "Mini me"...loool...that's just the funniest, the list still goes on o but these are the most common....At times i look at myself and i vex, i dey vex say i no tall, i beg God to just make me tall 4 a day...just 4 a day!!!....i look myself, vex for my mother, why she no commit adultery at that point of her life, yet she is the major person that torments me about my height....and then after all the stress of trying to look big, wear some pain-giving six inches shoe, make up, learn how to walk on heels all in the name of trying to be tall, i still get comments like "awww, you are so cute, just like a baby"........aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh.......

 PS This story is highly fictional...lool... 

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Memory Lane...

As we go thru life, we forget a lot of little things that use to matter, things that made us happy, things that made us smile, things that made us laugh more than we ever thot we could..remember how u felt wen u got your first "aunty-give-me-cake" dress, iSmile...thots of that just flood thru my head..lool..i was a big fan of them btw..*biggrin*, remember when you wouldnt let go of that trousers even when it was "jumpepe", micheal jackson by force...lool...those little things that meant so much, it was like they were life itself....even when going for a birthday party of some neighbour, you would rather wear that jumping faded aunty-give-me-cake dress rather than the new one momc just got for you...little things that mattered, they were everything...

I'm a lil tipsy as i am writing this yh so (what am i saying, i just took a glass of vodka and cranberry, who gets high on that...*rme*), i'm just thinking back at those times when life was not complicated, life was exactly what it was..Simple...i did not give a care in the world, i wore this torn jeans for so long, they had a family meeting just to tell me it was high time i stopped wearing did it all get complicated, how did it go from being extremely simple to extremely complicated, is it life that gets complicated or we just make complicated decision, we dont think before doing some things and totally forget how simple things can be.... i weep when i think of how simple it was  back then, i hate the fact that we have to grow old, get hawt, turn beautiful, get eye popping shapes and all those guys wont just let you be...lool...not like i dont enjoy the attention...hmmn... i gotta go now, i'm blogging from this restaurant and i'm not supposed to be more than 20 mins at this system....lemme go b4 they chase me out o...btw the name of the restaurant is Cafteria Royale..some hawt new place in Ikeja....make sense die..ok enof of d advert, not like dey r paying me....bla bla bla...i will continue this when i get home...

Tuesday 22 March 2011


So they say FREEWILL is one of the gifts giving to man by God but how come we are not allowed to choose our family(dont start thinking i dont like ma family o, thats one of God's best gift to me),like come to think of it,if freewill was actually one of the gifts,would all these kids that live in abject poverty in countries like sudan and all those african countries choose to be in such situation, wouldnt they choose their own family, the likes of bill gate, and all those eye popping billionaires? Would anyone choose to come from a poor family or a nameless family where you are subjected to oppression, depression and all the low quality of living? why exactly do they say FREEWILL is a gift if we cant choose everything we want?? And if FREEWILL is actually a gift why are there things like FATE, DESTINY and all those things they say determine your life?

But the thing is, if you are actually given the choice to choose the family you want to come from, would you choose any that is differnt from the one you are from right now? Even though i have been thinking of what it would be like being adenuga's daughter or dangote's daughter, if i am faced with the choice of picking a family to come from, would i pick anyone different from mine? would i say because i am so different in my house at times i feel like i'm adopted or mayb i was changed in the hospital..(all this ddnt happen btw), pick a different family? what would be my basis of picking a family, would it be how wealthy the family is or how happy, or how famous, like what exactly would be my criteria for picking assuming i know every detail about each family? Thinking of all this as a baby, wont my little head explode just because i want to choose a family to come from *rme*...

So maybe freewill is a gift yh, but it definitely doesnt apply to everything and in a way i'm actually happy i dont have to bug ma head all in the name of choosing a family, i guess there are just some things we have to leave for God to figure and in the end your family is not just your siblings and parents,they are also people that make impact one way or the other in your life (so dont blame yoruba people for calling every1 their uncle and aunty even when u know so well it's Aristo..lool), people you can run to when no one is there, people that would always be there for you no matter wat, people that would annoy you at all times, make you laugh at all times and people that would always stick with u when no one is there reminding you that they are God's little gift to you.......

Monday 14 March 2011

Tear Rubber Tokunbo

Doing something for the very first time just always feels weird,like extremely weird...why is that?? Even if you've done it before,it just always feels weird knowing it's the first time after a long's like fucking after a long time of being celibate or writing after leaving school for a long what's the science behind it, is it some kinda neuro bla bla bla (i'm not a science major, don't blame me except u refer to computer as science) or some kinda psychology something...what exactly is the science behind it?? It just freaks me out every time i wanna do something I've done before again,it's always like i don't know what I'm doing, it's so annoying *rme*....

Anyways this is my first blog, not exactly first but the very first one here, (maybe that's why I'm ranting cos i don't know exactly what I'm writing) I'm sure it gets better. Name is Yewande, 400l (i just pressed shift+4 to get d number 4 on a keyboard, damn Bells University, I'm not gonna say my age,not like it's a big deal or something but i don't even look my age so there's no point..*wink*...this is basically my intro plus i enjoy writing...

BTW, this is gonna get freakier....